OFSTED: Effective action to maintain the (Good) standards (2025). These were: OFSTED: This is a good school (2018)
Whitchurch Primary School underwent a 2-day inspection on the 4th and 5th February 2025. We are delighted to have confirmation that our good standards of teaching, learning, behaviour and development continue to be recognised as this: Good.
We are pleased that our high behaviour expectations were recognised:
From ‘Excellent Entering’ at the start of the day to ‘Excellent Exiting’ at the end, pupils are surrounded by smiles. Smiling is what ‘S’ stands for in the school’s ‘STEEP’ approach to interacting. The other factors ensure that pupils make eye contact and say, ‘Please’, ’Thank you’, and ‘Excuse me’. Smiling is also one of the ‘smart’ walking rules, along with sensibly, silently and safely. Pupils move around school exactly like that.
OFSTED also showcased that:
Teachers want pupils to achieve high academic standards that will set them up well for the future. Pupils behave well in lessons. They work hard for their teachers and achieve highly, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics.
Our children's kindness and experiences were also trumpeted:
Another school rule is to be kind. Pupils show this attribute in abundance. For example, they understand that sometimes others need help to cope with the demands of school life. Pupils say that it is important to help others to fit in. Playtimes are a happy, positive experience. There are many ways to spend the time. Pupils appreciate that they can choose to play sport, climb, dance, scoot, read, draw or simply sit and relax. Playground activities are part of a rich, broad programme of experiences that enhance pupils’ personal development considerably.
There are many more positive messages and comments about our school in the full report, which can be read by clicking on the link to the right. Alternatively, information on our previous report, which the 2025 one references, can be read below:
Following our two day inspection (May 22nd-23rd 2018) we are ecstatic to announce that OFSTED graded our school ‘good’ in every area possible! Hooray! With front page quotes such as ‘pupils have positive attitudes to learning’, ‘pupils behave well’, ‘Children receive a good start to their education…’, ‘pupils read fluently, with enthusiasm and enjoyment’ and ‘(Children) say they feel safe and enjoy school’, we are all immensely proud of the children’s hard work and achievements.
It is great that the report acknowledges our governors in their support of the school, our hardworking staff for their commitment to education, our parents for their approval (especially those who completed ParentView when requested) and last but not least our amazing children for being ‘polite, courteous and respectful’ whilst working with ‘enthusiasm and enjoyment!’
A standing ovation with ticker tape falling and balloons rising to all!