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Behaviour Curriculum

We believe in a fair, consistent, structured approach to pupil behaviour.  An approach in which an emphasis is placed on positive behaviour reinforcement, while at the same time giving teachers the sanctions necessary to ensure appropriate pupil behaviour.

We also recognise that the best behaviour management is flexible, on occasion tailored to particular needs of particular pupils.


Our Behaviour Policy is created in line with the work of Paul Dix- a behaviour specialist, author, education reformer and advisor, and Tom Bennett- current DfE behaviour advisor.

Behaviour Policy – Structure – Rules

We redefined our behaviour policy in November 2023 using current research. We have three rules across the school: Be Ready, Be Kind, Be Safe. Assemblies have explained these to the children, alongside an understanding that if you are not showing all three, then this is below expectation.


Excellent behaviour and the following of our rules should always be recognised. Below are a number of ways we do this:

Praise and Showcase Certificates: To be completed by staff. The certificates are then given out in assembly, those children are then photographed and this is added to the website. One praise certificate should be awarded for school values/work and one showcase certificate for excellence of work. This work should also be copied and sent to the Head Teacher as it will be added to a showcase board.

Other Praise: Pupils regularly bring any awards they have received into school where their success can be celebrated in Praise Assembly.

Class Points: Class points are awarded for academic achievement (in school or for home work) and for positive social behaviour in and around school. They are awarded on the system, which children, teachers and parents can view online. These points go towards a house system which sees good behaviour celebrated in assemblies and around the school.

Raffle Tickets: Raffle tickets are given by SMSAs and other lunchtime supervision staff. The ‘behaviours’ the children are awarded for being ready, kind and safe. This encourages positive behaviour and respect between SMSAs and children. The raffle is drawn during Praise Assembly when the winner can pick a book as a prize.

Work Well, Play Well Cup: This is awarded (usually annually) to two individuals, usually Year 6 pupils, for exceptional all round performance. Pupils who are awarded the cup will be allowed to take it home for a year.  Their names will be recorded in a special book that will be prominently displayed.

Certificates of Achievement:These are awarded for different successes for instance for learning number facts ‘Times Table Rockstars’ certificates are presented to individual pupils during Praise Assembly.

Houses:There are four cross phase ‘Houses’ in the school - Willow, Birch, Oak and Pine. House points are awarded through the Class Points systems



In September 2024 we moved away from our visual ‘sun, cloud and dark cloud’ system in order to not ‘name and shame’ children to their class and other stakeholders who may see these systems. Teachers and LPs now operate a discreet class-based system where, if a child does not follow a school rule once, they receive a warning. If behaviours are repeated this is recorded and the child misses 5 minutes of break. If behaviours are repeated again this is recorded and the child misses 10 minutes of break. If behaviours are repeated again this is recorded and the child is sent to the head teacher or deputy headteacher for a restorative conversation.

Restorative Conversations

From January 2024 we have been building restorative conversations into our behaviour curriculum. Using the ‘Anti-Bullying Alliances’ guidance, questions will be asked of each person involved in an incident: What happened? What were you thinking? Who’s been affected? What is needed? What can make it right? Answers to these 5 questions from all parties then lead to a solution, agreement and future prevention of incident. For further information see our safeguarding page.


The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online’.

ANTI-BULLYING ALLIANCE Definition of bullying

In the above definition repetitive is the key word. Bullying is where one child, or a group of children, are repetitively unkind to another person, or group of children. The unkind behaviour takes place again and again, over a length of time. It is the same child repeating their unkind behaviour to another child.

Bullying is not a falling out, name-calling or disagreement as a one off.  If this happens, it is treated as a behaviour incident in accordance with the rest of this policy. As of April 2024, children are minded of this through our STOP posters: Several Time On Purpose.

Bullying will not be tolerated. We recognise that bullying can take various forms and is distressing and detrimental to the welfare of the child being bullied. The school is aware of the dangers of Cyber Bullying and includes it in anti-bullying work.

In consultation with the School Council, a ‘Friendship/Fall-out’ box has been situated where children can easily access it and post a report directly to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher about any incidents of bullying they have themselves experienced or seen.

The Head Teacher and Deputy Head are responsible for ensuring that the ‘Friendship/ Fall-out’ Box is checked regularly and that swift and appropriate action is taken where bullying is found to be occurring. The Head Teacher will inform parents if their child is bullying or has been bullied.

Bullying and its effects should be discussed in all classes each term. Pupils will be reminded about the ‘Friendship/Fall-out’ box and how it should be used.

Children who appear for positive reasons in the box will receive termly praise.


Whitchurch Primary School is an inclusive, friendly and welcoming school. We are glad our parents and carers agree, as illustrated by these ParentView survey results below:


Whitchurch Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.

For more information please see the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the policies section of our website.

Please read the policy here