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Headteacher/ Person who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public/ Assessment/ Designated Safe Guarding Lead/ Pupil Premium Champion/ Looked after children Champion

Mr Hornsby

Deputy Headteacher/ Deputy Designated Safe guarding Lead/ SENDCo

 Miss Cefai

Foundation Stage Leader and Reception Teacher (Robins)

Miss Knight

Reception Teacher (Redwings)

Miss J Williams
Year 1 Teacher (Penguins)

Miss S Sadler (Miss M Williams on maternity)

Year 2 Teacher (Puffins)

Miss Fudge

Year 3 Teacher (Swifts)

Miss Golding

Year 4 Teacher (Swans)

Miss Azeem

Year 4 Teacher (Swallows)

Ms Sinclair

Year 5 Teacher (Kestrels)

Mr Rainey

Year 6 Teachers (Kingfishers)

Mrs Oldfield (MTW)

Mrs Beringer (WThF)

Maths Coordinator

Mrs Oldfield (KS2)

Literacy Coordinator

Mrs Beringer (KS2)

Miss Knight (KS1)

Computing Coordinator

Miss Fudge


Learning Partners:

Mrs Fox, Mrs Frost, Mrs Hay, Miss Hibberd, Miss Leddy, Mrs Mason, Miss Ponting, Mrs Shepherd, Mrs Street.

SENDCo (Address: Can be contacted through the school or by email:

Miss Cefai

Mental Health and Well Being Lead

Miss Cefai




Mr Wilton


Mrs Parsons, Mrs Ashford.

Office and Administration Managers

Mrs Morgan and Miss Ward.

Chair of Governors (Address: Can be contacted through the school or by email:

Miss Dyer



Whitchurch Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.

For more information please see the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the policies section of our website.

Please read the policy here