English: Our class book for Term 1 is 'Naughty Bus' written by Jan and Jerry Oke.
Our class books for Term 2 are 'Cave Baby' by Julia Donaldson and 'Billy and the Beast' by Nadia Shireen.
Talk through Stories:
We have whole class reading sessions each afternoon. These sessions develop a love of reading and teach new vocabulary linked to stories. In Term 1 we will be reading "On the way home" written by Jill Murphy, "I'm in charge" written by Jeanne Willis and "My must have mum" written by Maudie Smith and Jen Khatun.
In Term 2 we will be reading 'The bear and the piano' by David Litchfield, 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright and 'Hugless Douglas' by David Melling.
How can you help at home?
Ensure your child has had a recent eye test and hearing test (within the last 6 months).
Read at home 5 times a week.
Practice your child's spellings each week. Our spelling test is on Friday each week from Term 2 onwards.
Check our website class page and Class Dojo to keep updated with our curriculum.
We recommend the White Rose 1 Minute Maths App to help practice a range of Maths skills
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Click on the links below to find out what we will be learning in each term!