Year 3, Swifts: Miss Golding
Hello and welcome to Swifts Class!
A very warm welcome to the Year 3 page of our website. Here we will share with you the exciting learning opportunities that our Year 3 curriculum provides. We will also detail key information and clear guidance about our routines and expectations to help you to support your child in getting the most from their time in Year 3. Please do contact me through classdojo or come and speak to me if you have questions or would like to discuss anything!
Meet the Team
Wider Curriculum:
At Whitchurch Primary School, we are very fortunate to provide children with a wide range of learning experiences to ensure children develop a love of learning. The children have forest school sessions, attend a local gymnastics centre, have P.E sports coaching sessions, participate in swimming sessions and have cooking lessons throughout the school year.
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please send your children in PE kit on these days.
Forest School:
Swallows will be having Forest School sessions, provided by Mrs Fox, every Wednesday from Wednesday 21st February until Wednesday 13th March. Please send your child in with Wellington boots for these sessions.
Gymnastics Centre:
Swallows will be attending the gymnastics centre each Wednesday from Wednesday 4th
October until Wednesday 7th November. Please send your child in their PE kit to school for these sessions.
Swimming sessions:
Swallows will be attending swimming sessions in each Wednesday in term 3 from Wednesday 3rd of January until Wednesday 7th February 2024 and again in term 5 from Wednesday 17th April until Wednesday 22nd May 2024.
How can you help at home?
Ensure your child has had a recent eye test and hearing test.
Read at home 5 times a week as a minimum. This will greatly support their reading development.